Benefits of VBAC: Why Consider a Vaginal Birth After Cesarean?

The March of Dimes estimates that roughly 32 percent of American mothers have cesarean section surgery to deliver their babies each year. Though a vaginal birth is usually the preferred method, complications and extenuating circumstances may necessitate this surgical procedure. Mothers who have had a cesarean procedure in the past may still be eligible to deliver another baby vaginally. Find out more about VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) when you consult with a gynecologist at Northwest Associates for Women's Healthcare in Hoffman Estates, IL.

What Is VBAC?

VBAC or vaginal birth after cesarean is an option that many mothers don’t know they have after they have delivered through a cesarean section in the past. When you have a cesarean after one birth, doctors may recommend that you continue the procedure for all future births. With VBAC you are given the option of delivering your baby through the birth canal even after a cesarean surgery.

Benefits of Vaginal Birth

Your Hoffman Estates, IL, gynecologist will take the time to thoroughly review your medical history and specific case to determine if you are a good candidate for VBAC. Vaginal birth comes with several benefits compared to a cesarean procedure.

  • Less need for blood transfusions.
  • Lowered risk of infection after the surgery.
  • No surgical scars on the abdomen.
  • Less time is needed for recovery.

Considerations for VBAC

Although you may be a candidate for VBAC, you should always follow the advice of your trusted gynecologist. At the time of birth, complications, and situations may arise that require you to agree to a cesarean. Remember that the health of you and your child is the most important consideration.

Explore Your Options With a Gynecologist

It is perfectly normal to want to explore the option of having your new baby vaginally, even if you have had to agree to a cesarean in the past. You'll receive the answers that you need about VBAC when you visit a gynecologist at Northwest Associates for Women's Healthcare in Hoffman Estates, IL. Call (847) 884-1800 today to schedule your upcoming appointment.

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